
Feb 12, 2021 / Blog

How much does Hair Extensions services cost in salons?

cost of keratin hair extensions, fusion hair extensions, iTip, weft
When you’re dreaming about changing your look with luxurious, longer and voluminous hair, questions that will come along are so many: how much does it cost to have a full head of hair extensions? What is the right investment for a very satisfying result? Is the removal included in the service or do I have to pay for… It doesn't’ exist a unique answer to all these questions, the price for Hair Extensions includes a series of services and elements which they are subjective for every stylist:
- Hair Extensions quality (Remy or Not-Remy, hair origins, hair manufacturing, etc…)
- The application system: tape ins, fusion, weft, iTip, etc…
- The stylist experience and his location (for example, a big city like L.A could have an higher price compare to a smaller town)
- The amount of strands for a full head application will variates according to density, previous haircut and other factors

luxury quality hair extensions used by celebrities

What is included in hair extensions cost? What kind of services a salon can offer?

When you go to a professional hair stylist in the totality of the price for Hair Extensions services you’ll find included:
- Strands cost
- Strands application cost
- Strands maintenance dates and removal

The cost of a single strand depends on the application system and the length of the hair.
The full head average cost changes according to the amount of strands necessary for a full head application and the final result required. Mind that, price per strand, flat rate or whichever way the stylist decides to price its services for, It can change according to the location or the level of experience of the stylist.
About maintenance services related to Hair Extensions, each stylist offers different solutions, some of them usually includes ⅔ shampoo after the first application to fix some strands, also using hair treatments to take care of them with specific products extending the hair extension’s duration. It’s essential to go to the salon to remove your Hair Extensions and do not do this by yourself because it could damage your natural hair!

How many Hair Extensions do you need for a full head?

Each result and final effect needs a different amount of strands, based on the application system:
- Fusion or iTip Hair Extensions: 125/150 strands
- Tape in Hair Extensions: from 36 to 48 strands of 4 cm
- Clip Hair Extensions: depends on the band width
- Weft Hair Extensions: depends on the weaving width

how many hair extensions do you need for a full head

Differences between fusion, weft and tape Hair Extensions costs

Hair extensions with keratin, better known as fusion Hair Extensions, is one of the most popular and loved methods in the world because it gives the best performance during the time, not by chance it is also one of the most expensive systems. Its average cost for professional services using good quality hair turns around 1000$.
Weft Hair Extensions have instead a lower price, especially because this system isn’t sold by single strands but in weight: 100 gr of high quality 100% Remy natural hair cost 300/350$, application included. Tape Hair Extensions are affordable as the weft with a salon cost that turns around 250-300€ for a full head application.

fusion hair extensions keratin indian hair

Why are hair extensions so expensive?

The key factor that affects the total amount for Hair Extensions work is the hair quality. In the market we can find different kinds of hair, the synthetic ones, for example, are the most affordable and they look and feels like doll’s hair and when they run into water and shampoo, fluid in general or you try to brush them, they change their shape becoming unmanageable, practically to be thrown away!
Real human hair, not by chance, are classified following different structure factors. First of all, natural hairs are distinguished in Remy, with cuticles with the same “root-end” direction as we can see in our hair, and Not-Remy, having mixed “root-end” directions that let this kind of hair become useless after the first shampoo.
Moreover, between 100% Remy natural hair exists another classification based on the hair origins and the best are indian and russian hair. Both of the last mentioned hair quality have the best final result and for this reason are the most popular and chosen by celebrities around the world.

differences between remy and not remy hair

Cost of do-it-yourself Hair Extensions and domestic hair stylists

To reach an extreme low cost price someone can think to ask to an amateur hair stylist for Hair Extensions application, and, in this particular case, if the person does not have an adequate experience the final result can be disappointing and you can encounter damages on your natural hair because of a the not so good quality of the hair strands or because of a too rough and not so professional application. Another option that you can evaluate if you still have doubt about Hair Extensions, especially if you’re approaching this technique for the first time, is the Clip system. Clip Hair Extensions can be applied at home in front of a mirror e they can be applied and removed every time you want. In this case the cost for a DIY result changes based on the strands length, and you can find sold single strands or bundles for a full head!

price for invisible clip hair extensions reusable

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